Looking for opportunities as a project manager in IT, I am currently working as a digital transformation
consultant on a sandwich course at Mecalac in order to validate a Master 2 "Digital Transformer" with
TheNuumFactory school.
Previously, Project Manager for more than 10 years at the international level where I was able to develop a
experience as a project manager with a wide range of skills.
Especially in follow-up of one or multiple mining
exploration project as well as good relations with partners
involved in our project. Manager of international team, plan,
implementation and follow-up as a whole, with respect of budget
constraints, safety procedure and local rules and tradition of the
project-country were my everyday life at work. In addition. I also trained myself in computer programming in
order to participate in the R&D subjects of
digital transformation.
To guarantee an
effective work at every moment, I learn to focus on strategic
purpose and not to be overflow, set clear objectives to my
collaborators with a good and clear communication adapt to the
country I'm working. He's important to me to mobilize and convince
with good t a good working relationship with all collaborators,
subcontractors and local affairs.
Project manager in digital transformation
Dynamic, proactive with 10 year’s experience
- Birthday: 18 October 1985
- Website: www.canyon-project.com
- Phone: +33 6 48 74 75 01
- City: Beaumont, France
- Age: Mon Age
- Degree: Master
- Email: aureliengeorgel@hotmail.fr
- Freelance: Available
Digital technology is leading to profound behavioural changes
in the sense that new technologies are giving rise to new uses
and innovative ways of doing business and communicating.
As a result, the digital transformation of companies is proving
to be more of a cultural than a technological issue and, as such,
it imposes on organisations a real problem of change management
for their employees.
This is why I wish to engage in this
transformation in order to help companies and teams to shape
this change in a flexible and efficient way.
Key figures
Key facts from 10 years of experience on projects
people managed
Main exploration Projects
In Mongolia, Sénégal and Gabon
Master degree
Geology and Informatics (2021)
Crisis Management
Strikes, Non-peaceful demonstration by environmental NGOs
Soft Skills
Technical Skills
Geological Skills
Dynamic, proactive with 10 year’s experience in Mining industry
Professional Experience
Fullstack developer consultant
February 2022 - Actuel
Amaris Consulting – Geneva (Suisse) - https://www.amaris.com
- Agile project within a team of a large watchmaking company.
- Development of an orchestration tool from an old tool.
- Discussion with infrastructure teams and key users to understand their needs
- Creation of an API rest to the CQRS pattern and a front-end application in Vuejs
- Use of Jira, Bitbucket, Bamboo, xldeploy, xlrelease, Okta and Thycotyc.
- Performing tests and verification in SonarQube.
Digital Transformation Advisor
October 2020 - 2021
Mecalac – Annecy (74) - https://www.mecalac.com/fr/
- Presentation and implementation of Microsoft Azure within Mecalac
- Creation of SQL databases, App Services, Function App and Storage Account
- Test of Azure Data Factory
- Presentation and implementation of PowerBI at Mecalac's Service and Marketing departments
- Creation of .net Core REST APIs with Entity Framework to realize three projects:
- Creation of an IoT database of Mecalac machines
- Creation of a TCO (Total Cost of OwnerShip) web application for Mecalac machines in Vue.js
- Creation of a Services Contract web application for Mecalac dealers in Vue.js
- Creation of a Python script to automatically retrieve data from IoT TrackUnit.
- Analysis of IoT data via PowerBi and Python
- Implementation of Azure Devops and Pipelines
- AI (Deep learning) testing on Mecalac IoT data (Python and skLearn module)
- Presentation and implementation of Agile Scrum methodology
- Creation of the documentation associated with the different tools
Personal project of Android and iOS App with Xamarin (C#)
November 2019- until now
Big'z Project (74)
- Front-End development of Canyon Project App with Xamarin (C#).
- Creation of Back-end with a Restful API, SQL database creation on Azure.
- My App project (CanyonProject) is available in on the play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.companyname.canyonproject
- 4 languages and multiplatform App design
- Pythons Tools for Data Science purpose
Business manager for nuclear power plant maintenance
June 2018 to November 2019
ORANO Démantèlement et service – Blyes (01) - http://www.orano.group/
- Business management of OFC/CF/LGV/NPGV/TEFF(nuclear maintenance) for our client Framatome in all nuclear power plant in France
- Commercial offer, manager on the field 44 agent in mobility all round France
- Communication with client and subcontractor
- Teamwork during critical situation on the field
- Managing a portfolio of several millions euros of activities
- Innovation manager, discussion and validation of ideas
Geologist - Project manager
April 2018 to June 2018
ORANO Mines – Paris la défense - http://www.orano.group/
- Calculation tool creation of production cost per Kg of U from exploration or developpement drillholes data for different type of mining, open pit type (SOMAÏR, Niger), underground type (COMINAK, Niger), ISR (Zoovch Ovoo, Mongolie).
- Cost Map realization and presentation for each Mine
- Redaction of the new tool procedure and presentation to relevant stakeholders.
- Calculation of Cost of exploration in constant dollar per U3O8 lb discovered this previous 15 years for all subsidary of Orano Mines
Exploration geologist – project manager in Mongolia
April 2013 to April 2018
COGEGOBI LLC subsidiary of Orano Mines - Ulaan bator- https://www.orano.group/fr/orano-dans-le-monde/mongolie
- Organization and management of exploration (Uranium, Coal) activities
- Creation of all exploration and development maps
- Interpretation of satellite and geophysical data in SIG
- Crisis management, discussion with local authorities and populations for acceptability of our activities
- 3D PETREL regional modeling of Uneget and Zuunbayan basin
- 3D MICROMINE modeling of Dulaan and Dulaan uul deposits
- 3D KINGDOM modeling with petrol company seismic data
- Share agreement negotiation with Petrol Company about sensible geological and seismic information.
- R&D collaboration on Tablet use for field work and project management
- Access database creation linked with Micromine software
- Reporting and procedures redaction, target generation
- Creation and upgrading of informatics tools (Excel and ArcGis)
Exploration geologist – project manager in GABON
October 2010 to April 2013
Areva Gabon subsidiary of AREVA – Franceville - https://www.orano.group/en/orano-across-the-world/gabon
- Organization and management of exploration activities in tropical environment.
- Creation of all exploration and development maps.
- Upgrading of informatics tools
Exploration geologist – project manager in Senegal
April 2009 to October 2010
AREVA Sénégal Ressources subsidiary of AREVA - http://www.orano.group/
- Organization and management of exploration activities
- Creation of all exploration and development maps.
- Interpretation of satellite and geophysical data in SIG
- Creation of informatics tools (Excel Macro’s)
VIE (Internship) Exploration geologist in Mongolia
July 2008 to April 2009
COGEGOBI LLC subsidiary of AREVA - Ulaan bator - http://www.orano.group/
- Active involvement in drilling campaign, learning of core description and prospection in desert area
- Learning of mapping tools and 3D modelling with Sketchup
- Creation of informatics tools (Excel Macro’s) with procedure
- Responsible of sampling for estimation purpose
Master 2 internship - Laboratory Geologist
February 2008 to July 2008
Laboratory G2R-CREGU (Nancy) - http://georessources.univ-lorraine.fr
- Subject: Research of model metallogenic of Imouraren Uranium deposits (Niger, AREVA). Study of fluids inclusions (microthermomètry, Raman, LIBS), datation Re/Os, U/Pb. Collaboration: M. Cathelineau, O.Cardon.
- Research of alterations volumes in ppatch uranium deposits (Canada, AREVA) for characterization of fluids migration model. Collaboration: J. Mercadier, M. Cuney
Summer internship - Laboratory Geologist
June 2007 to September 2007
Laboratory G2R-CREGU (Nancy) - http://georessources.univ-lorraine.fr
- Model of Imouraren Uranium deposits (Niger, AREVA) Collaboration : J. Vallance, M. Cathelineau
- Study of silicification of Dutuu Nuur Basin (Mongolia, AREVA) Collaboration : M.C. Boiron (for Gold exploration purpose)
Dive instructor
June 2006 to September 2006
MPS plongée – Porto (Corsica) - http://www.plongeecorse.fr/
- Exploration diving management
- First dive, open water, discover scuba diver training
Master’s degree 2 in Informatics and Information System
2020 - 2021
TheNuumFactory School (Lyon, 69, France)
- Governance and performance of an IS (COSO / COBIT / ITIL) DataMining and data visualisation.
- Agile method and SCRUM.
- Design, creation, database administration.
- PHP/Symfony web development. Green IT, Data collection and quality. Security of information and exchanges. JavaScript algorithms. Digital Marketing. Service contract management.
- SIPAREX promotion delegates.
Master’s degree 2 Geology speciality mineral resources
2007 - 2008
University Henri Poincaré, Faculté des Sciences de Nancy (54) - France
- Capacity for observation, description of natural objects (rocks, minerals, soils, fluids, etc.) and interpretation in terms of physico-chemical processes
- Management and processing of databases using mathematical and computer tools; quantification and modelling of the physico-chemical processes that govern the functioning of the Earth
- Ability to work in a team and to manage a project
- Ability to write reports and present scientific work orally
Master’s degree 1 Biology Geology
2003 - 2007
University Henri Poincaré, Faculté des Sciences de Nancy (54)- France
- This course focuses on the acquisition of dual skills in Biology and Geology, mainly with a view to being able to sit for the recruitment exams for life and earth sciences teachers (SVT) after completing a corresponding Master's degree.
2020 - 2021
Professional Scrum Master I
Training establishment: Scrum.org - https://www.scrum.org
Diploma: https://www.scrum.org/certificates/723018
Drupal 8 de A à Z - Guide Complet
Training establishment: Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/
Diploma: https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-c4538248-e49c-4f5f-970c-39eead57d908/
Joomla : Initiation et premiers sites web
Training establishment: Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/
Diploma: https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-d04d186d-50dd-498d-bee5-4111a4317dea/
Formation Vue.js de A à Z
Training establishment: Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/
Diploma: https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-f4bce81a-a486-4fab-aed5-a1b2204b0bf2/
Learning Vue.js
Training establishment: LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/learning/learning-vue-js-3
Docker for developpers
Training establishment: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/learning/docker-pour-les-developpeurs
Full Stack Web Development with Flask
Training establishment: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/learning/full-stack-web-development-with-flask
ITIL® Foundation 4 First Look
Training establishment: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/learning/itil-foundation-4-first-look
2019 - 2020
React 16+ Le Guide Complet (+Redux, React Router & Firebase)
Training establishment: Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/
Diploma: https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-cccfc4a6-2c0b-4977-8ca2-ada3dc48348a/
RESTful API Development with ASP.NET Core Web API Bootcamp
Training establishment: Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/
Diploma : https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-63c08e80-828c-42ff-9e24-5d143bffb796/
Asp.Net Core : The Complete Guide To Build RESTful Api's
Training establishment: Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/
Diploma: https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-c628dda7-e339-4324-bf52-8267fb22a75a/
Développeur d'Applications Mobiles (Xamarin forms, C#)
Training establishment: Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/
Diploma: http://ude.my/UC-25871e95-50d9-4b83-ba7d-4a6583f0aaae
Web Scraping et APIs Scraping avec Python
Training establishment: Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/
Diploma: http://ude.my/UC-0204b8fd-7cac-4327-96ff-898c304e988c
Apprenez à créer votre site web avec HTML5 et CSS3
Training establishment: OpenClassRoom - https://openclassrooms.com/fr/
Diploma: Certificat
n° 3953631923
Apprenez à programmer avec JavaScript
Training establishment: OpenClassRoom - https://openclassrooms.com/fr/
Diploma: Certificat n° 3254959716 /
Découvrez la programmation orientée objet avec Python
Training establishment: OpenClassRoom - https://openclassrooms.com/fr/
Diploma: Certificat
n° 2204092107
Démarrez votre projet avec Python
Training establishment: OpenClassRoom - https://openclassrooms.com/fr/
Diploma: Certificat n°
Initiez-vous au langage R pour analyser vos données
Training establishment: OpenClassRoom - https://openclassrooms.com/fr/
Diploma: Certificat
n° 4630202829
2018 - 2019
Initiation au port des protections respiratoires spécifiques CNPE EDF (ARI,HV, TEV et marsque à
Training establishment: HP FORMATION - http://www.hp-formation.fr/
habilitations Mécaniques M0M1
Training establishment: HP FORMATION - http://www.hp-formation.fr/
Intervention sur un assemblage boulonné Niveau 0 et 1
Training establishment: HP FORMATION - http://www.hp-formation.fr/
Habilitation B0/H0/H0V
Training establishment: HP FORMATION - http://www.hp-formation.fr/
Training establishment: HP FORMATION - http://www.hp-formation.fr/
Savoir Commun du Nucléaire 1 (SCN1)
Training establishment: HP FORMATION - http://www.hp-formation.fr/
Assurance qualité niveau 3 NT-85-114
Training establishment: TRIHOM - http://www.trihom.fr/
Training establishment: TRIHOM - http://www.trihom.fr/
Travaux en hauteur / Port du Harnais de sécurité
Training establishment: Onet- https://www.onet.fr/
2014 - 2016
Mine Project Economics
Training establishment: Edumine - https://www.edumine.com/
Mineral Project Reporting Under NI 43-101
Training establishment: Edumine - https://www.edumine.com/
Health and Safety Representative Training
Training establishment: Edumine - https://www.edumine.com/
Petrel Fundamentals and Petrel Geology Combined Course
Training establishment: Schlumberger - https://www.slb.com/
What I can offer to you: fast onboarding and professionalism on:
Management of multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams in order to achieve ambitious objectives
Business Intelligence
Creation of visualisation for all types of data (economic and financial, geological,...)
Map creation with professional tools (ArcGis, MapInfo) and creation of associated python scripts.
Leading change
Accompanying companies and teams in the digital transformation on the technical, organisational and human levels.
What my managers and colleagues say about my work
Aurélien is a very professional and committed person, with a great sense of responsibility and integrity. We worked together in the Dornogobi province, Mongolia, for the exploration, assessment and development of roll-front type uranium mineralization. I could appreciate his experience, his enthusiasm, his will and creativity to improve the tools and processes used in the frame of our boreholes campaigns, prospection works, and generation of new exploration targets.
Florent Legoux
Engineer geologist at Orano Mining
Aurélien is a dynamic and creative collaborator. He is at ease with the use of GIS mapping tools such as the ArcGIS suite. Aurélien is also a driving force behind technological innovations; we had worked together on a project for a field mapping tool on a smartphone and he clearly got the subject off the ground with his enthusiasm.
Benoit Journeau
Responsable programme Data & GIS Manager
I had the opportunity to manage Aurelien during our uranium exploration activities in Gabon between 2011 and 2012. Aurélien is endowed with quite spectacular energy and motivation, he does not shy away from the task and shows an unfailing capacity for hard work. Aurélien also has the quality of being curious and of knowing how to develop solutions in order to optimise the work to be done. His mastery of IT tools has enabled him to develop high-performance tools to serve our activity. I can only recommend Aurélien to anyone in the sectors of activity for which he is competent and who is looking for a dynamic and enthusiastic collaborator.
Rémy Chemillac
Exploration Technical Director at Orano Canada
When I arrived in Gabon, Aurélien gave me many useful recommendations for taking charge of the prospecting teams and ensuring the logistics essential for progress in the equatorial forest. He was instrumental in providing the prospectors with the field equipment necessary for the exploration work and testing new solutions to improve equipment and safety. Aurélien was perfectly able to organise the work of the prospecting teams to overcome the difficulties associated with advancing through the equatorial forest. He was advantageously directive in order to achieve the objectives he was entrusted with. Aurélien is undoubtedly an efficient exploration geologist on all types of sites and terrains.
Senior Exploration Geologist
Mr. Georgel gave us full satisfaction in his work. He was able to develop a know-how in the field of Geosciences and exploration campaign management. He has demonstrated his ability to adapt, to work independently and in situations of great tension. Appreciated by his colleagues, Mr. Georgel has contributed to develop a good spirit within our team. Mr. Georgel is leaving us of his own free will and we wish him every success for the rest of his career.
Sébastien Hocquet
Geosciences Director
If you have any question on my profil and if you want to discuss about job opportunities, fell free to contact me ;)
74160 Beaumont, France, 20 minutes from geneva
+33 6 48 74 75 01